My name is Easton Walker and I am a student at Utah State University. I am in my junior year and I am studying Outdoor Product Design and Development. I grew up in the Heber Valley outside of Park City, UT and I learned to love and respect the outdoors by getting involved with the many different outdoor sports and activities that surrounded my home growing up. Throughout high school I was always interested in product design, particularly 3D CAD design. I took every CAD class my school offered and I competed in many different competitions at the college level for SolidWorks Design. I was even fortunate enough to win one of the contests and have my 3D printed design mounted in the trophy case of their engineering building. After high school I moved to Logan, UT and immediately fell in love with the area and especially the mountains that surrounded me. I was five minutes away from some of the best sport climbing in the world and I was surrounded by people with similar interests as my own. I was one of the first ten students to declare for the OPDD program once it was announced that the program had been created and I knew almost immediately that I had found a home here at school. Learning about color theory, soft goods, hard goods, the history of products, etc. is so incredibly interesting to me. This program has given me an even more profound respect and love for the outdoors, as well as the design process. I hope someday to become a positive and successful leader in the outdoor industry.