This project was drawn entirely on SolidWorks. Our instructor had just recently achieved his first hole-in-one while golfing and gave us the task of drawing something that could hold his prized golf ball. This project was supposed to be fun and we didn't have many restrictions except it had to hold the golf ball solidly and we were in charge of the 3-D printing process of our drawing. This was the piece that I created and my instructor liked it so much that he kept it and he still uses it to hold his prized golf ball to this day.

This project was drawn entirely on SolidWorks. The purpose of this project was to get familiar with creating and utilizing gears in SolidWorks. I was asked to create anything on wheels that used no less than 3 functioning gears. I came up with this chariot design that effectively used 8 different gears. While pushing the handle of the chariot, the wheels engage the gears to all work as one cohesive unit. The bomb looking figure on the top of the chariot is attached to a rod that spins while the gears are in motion as well.

This was drawn entirely on SolidWorks. This project was my senior Advanced CAD project that lasted the duration of my senior year of high school. It was the most frustrating and time consuming project I have ever done on SolidWorks, but the end result is something I am incredibly proud of. This is a model drawing of my best friend's truck that he drove throughout high school.

This was drawn entirely in SolidWorks. This is the assembly view of an Arbor Press assignment that I was given. This is an example of a project where I was give very exact instructions and measurements and had to create an assembly exactly as my instructor wanted us too. There wasn't a lot of creativity involved in this project, but it showcases my ability to follow directions and create a product exactly how it is asked of me in SolidWorks.